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Nufront is the first company to put forward the concept of “Communication-Computing Integration”, while leading and promoting the developing trend of AP+BP technology. It is also the first company in the world to design and mass produce the 40nm ARM A9 dual-core high-performance computer processor. At present, Nufront has the ability to design and R&D the complete set of CPU + GPU, 2G / 3G / 4G, WiFi, Bluetooth, RF, power and PA and other wireless communications chip.

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Flexible frame length:1ms~100ms


Waveform: CP-OFDM,duplex mode: TDD


Subcarrier spacing:78.125KHz


Support 20MHz/40MHz bandwidths


Support 2x2MIMO,MCS0~MCS23,MCS56~MCS61


Support four modulation modes: BPSK, QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM


Support BCC、STBC encoding mode


Data throughput rate: 7.7Mbps~311Mbps


Can be equipped with a variety of RF front-end, working in different frequency bands


Double antenna or single antenna configuration


Support high-speed movement, support long-distance coverage


Internal integration of high-performance CPU, RAM, ROM and rich peripheral interfaces

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Flexible frame length: 1ms~100ms


Waveform: CP-OFDM, duplex mode: TDD


Subcarrier spacing: 78.125 KHz


Supports various bandwidths such as 1MHz/2MHz/4MHz/8MHz/2.5MHz/5MHz/10MHz/20MHz/40MHz


Support 2x2 MIMO, MCS0~MCS23, MCS56~MCS61


Support BPSK, QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM four modulation modes


Support BCC, STBC encoding mode


Data throughput rate: 7.7Mbps~311Mbps


Can be equipped with a variety of RF front-end, working in different frequency bands


Dual antenna or single antenna configuration


Support high-speed movement, support long-distance coverage


Internal integration of high-performance CPU, RAM, ROM and a rich peripheral interface

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Supported frequency band: can be equipped with a variety of RF front-end, working in different frequency bands


Support 2.5MHz/5MHz/10MHz/20MHz/40MHz/80MHz


Support up to 4x4MIMO


Modulation coding mode:MCS0~MCS99


Physical layer data throughput: 7.7Mbps~1.7Gbps


Modulation mode: BPSK, QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM, 256QAM


Coding mode: BCC, STBC


Support high-speed movement,the maximum support speed: >500Km/h


Low latency: air interface delay<1ms


High reliability: handover reliability is over 99.99% when the speed exceeds 300Km/h


Support long distance coverage: 100m~3Km


Equipped with multiple RF front ends, working in different frequency bands


Dual antenna or single antenna configuration


Support high-speed mobile, support long-distance coverage


Internal integration of high-performance CPU, RAM, ROM and a rich peripheral interface

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Supported frequency band: can be equipped with a variety of RF front-end, working in different frequency bands


Support 2.5MHz/5MHz/10MHz/20MHz/40MHz/80MHz


Support up to 4x4 MIMO


Modulation coding mode: MCS0~MCS99


Physical layer data throughput: 7.7Mbps~1.7Gbps


Modulation mode: BPSK, QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM, 256QAM


Encoding mode: BCC, STBC, LDPC


Support high-speed movement, the maximum support speed: >500Km/h


Low latency: air interface delay <1ms


High reliability: handover reliability is over 99.99% when the speed exceeds 300Km/h


Support long distance coverage: 100m~3Km


Equipped with multiple RF front ends, working in different frequency bands


Dual antenna or single antenna configuration


Support high-speed mobile, support long-distance coverage


Internal integration of high-performance CPU, RAM, ROM and a rich peripheral interface

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